How To Change WiFi On Google Home?

google home

An easy way to connect all of the smart home appliances in your house is with a Google Home, which can be a helpful personal assistant. Google Home must be connected to a functional WiFi network for the entire operation to run smoothly and for you to be able to control it with voice or app commands.

How to change WiFi on a Google Home is described in this article.

How To Change The WiFi Network On A Google Home

You must first reset your WiFi device to its default settings before connecting to the new network in order to update the WiFi network information. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “Google Home” application.
  2. You can update a device by scrolling down and tapping it.
  3. In the top-right corner, click the “Settings” icon.
  4. Tap “Forget” next to “WiFi” in the “Device settings” menu.”
  5. Are you sure? section.” dialog box, choose “Ignore Network’s confirmation, please.

To configure the device to connect to your new WiFi:

  1. Tap the plus (+) symbol in the top-left corner of the app’s home screen.
  2. Choose “Set up device.”
  3. Click “Set up new devices in your home.”
  4. Pick a location from the “Choose a home” list.
  5. Tap on the device to set up once Google has detected it, then select “Next.”
  6. Press “Yes” on the app when you hear the speaker chime to confirm.
  7. Tap “I agree” after reading the terms of service.”
  8. If you want to assist Google Home Mini in getting better, you will be prompted. To join, simply press “Yes, I’m in” or “No thanks.”

Google Home will join the new WiFi network the next time it connects.

How To Update The WiFi Password On The Google Home?

If your WiFi password has changed, you must update it on Google Home using the steps below.

  1. Launch the Google Home app on your device.
  2. Tap on the gear icon to go to Settings.
  3. Head to the “Device Information” and go to “WiFi” > “WiFi Settings“.
  4. Tap the “Show Password” option and update the password.
  5. Tap the “Save” option to apply the new changes.

For the Google Home device to control all the smart home appliances, ensure all the devices are connected to the same WiFi network.

What Takes Place When Your Google Home WiFi Is Changed?

The Google Home speaker will keep functioning flawlessly even after the WiFi is changed on it. The ability to ask questions, stream YouTube Music, set reminders, and more are still available. However, there is one adverse effect that you should be aware of.

The devices in your smart home must all be connected to the same WiFi network in order for Google Home to control them. The WiFi settings for any other smart devices you want the Google Home speaker to control must also be changed if you change the WiFi settings for the Google Home speaker.

google home

Controlling other devices in your home can become problematic, even if you switch a home speaker to a guest WiFi.

This is useful if you have several home speakers scattered throughout your home, such as in a vacation home. Additionally, it stops other residents of a multi-family building from accidentally turning on other devices.

Fortunately, the instructions you give the speaker remain the same even after the WiFi settings on all impacted devices are modified. “In the new configuration, “turn on the living room lights” will still function.

Why Is My Google Home Not Connecting To The WiFi?

You may find it challenging to use the features of Google Home when the device occasionally has trouble connecting to your WiFi network. Several of the causes of the problem are listed below.

Internet Or WiFi Issues

Your network connection might be experiencing poor internet speed or weak or unstable WiFi signals.

Test the network speed and restart the router to refresh the internet connection. Also, try to bring the device closer to the router. If this fixes the issue, invest in a WiFi extender to increase the range.

Incorrect Password

If you have reset your WiFi router and the password is set to default, or you have forgotten/changed your WiFi password, The Google Home app won’t connect. Update the password on the device using the Google Home app on your device to resolve the problem.

Bandwidth Allocation

Your router and internet connection have a limited bandwidth to support online access. If many devices use the same WiFi connection, Google Home will get less bandwidth, resulting in frequent disconnection.

Therefore, either limit the devices using the internet simultaneously or upgrade your bandwidth by contacting your internet service provider.

Outdated Google Home App

If your Google Home app is outdated, you can often experience issues with WiFi connectivity. The most recent updates might contain a patch for the problems causing internet disconnections. So check the Play Store from time to time and update the Google Home app whenever a new update is available.

What Can I Ask Google Home?

It’s time to test out your Google Home now that it is ready to use. You must say “OK Google” or “Hey, Google” before asking any question or giving any command for it to be effective. For example, “Hey Google, what time is it?” or “Google, please tell me a joke.” Quite a few words of caution: the jokes may very well make your eyes water.

You can manage a variety of smart devices in addition to basic information like the weather and current news. On your Google Home device, you can use Google Assistant to control lights, locks, and even a number of security systems using just your voice.

The best part is that a lot of the apps on your mobile device will connect to and function with your device as well. For instance, play music from Spotify or YouTube Music to make the most of the speakers in your new equipment.

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